Everyone knows money is important, and a common question is “How do we get paid?” Well we use a process called Stripe Connect. When becoming a guide, you will be prompted to make a stripe account, after doing so your Guided Outdoor account will be linked to this Stripe account so whenever your trips are booked through us, your money goes straight to you! You can configure your stripe settings to receive automatic payouts from your stripe account to your bank of choice, or you can do it manually and request the payouts in your stripe account. There will be a link to your Stripe in your Guided Outdoors account dashboard!

Sign In


By providing the phone number you are agreeing to receive text messages from Guided Outdoors about your account activity and reminders. Standard data and messaging rates may apply.

Reset Password

Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.

Guide Memberships

An active membership is required for this action, please click on the button below to view the available plans.