
Our refunds are handled on an individual basis by the guide/outfitter whom the trip is booked through. The 50% deposit paid to book the trip is non-refundable unless the exception is fulfilled that is described below. Guided Outdoors, LLC is not responsible for refunds. Some Guides may not allow a deposit, in this case the refund would be governed by that Guide’s refund policy. Each guide has their own refund policy that will be clearly stated in each listing. Any refunds and/or cancellations will be handled through the outfit/guide. If having issues connecting with the guide/outfitter, fill out a contact form and a Guided Outdoors representative will attempt to mediate the refund. ALL fees, commission, and initial deposits to the Guides are non-refundable.

EXCEPTION: Guides/Outfitters hold the right to cancel bookings, however if a booking is cancelled by the guide/outfitter the Guide will have two options.

  1. The 50% initial deposit must be refunded to the client including the fees (less any Stripe fees incurred) collected by Guided Outdoors, in this case the deposit will be refunded by the guide/outfitter and the fees (less any Stripe fees incurred) will be refunded to the client by Guided Outdoors, LLC. As stated above, it is left to the Guide whether or not to abide by the industry standard of a 50% deposit rule. If a Guide does not abide by the 50% deposit preset by Guided Outdoors, LLC the Guide’s individual refund policy will govern the refund amount and nature of the return if any.
  2. The Guide must offer a credit to reschedule a trip of equal value. If this occurs, please be sure to notify Guided Outdoors, LLC to avoid any double bookings on the rescheduled dates.

Contact us at [email protected] or fill out the contact form below for questions related to refunds.

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